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Distinctive Unit Insignia


A gold color metal and enamel device 1 1/8 inches (2.86cm) in height overall, consisting of a gold field ten upon a grassy field emitting rays above a blue area at bottom all enclosed by a rectangular maroon tripartite scroll issuing from a green wreath of laurel in base and inscribed "ONE ARMY" on the left and "ONE MISSION" on the right in gold, at bottom a maroon cross and overall a white sword point down entwined by a green serpent.


Maroon and white are the colors traditionally used by the Medical Corps; the cross represents the organization's medical support and service to the United States forces.  The sword underscores the combat aspect of the mission and forms the allusion of the numeral "1", reflecting the unit's motto.  The serpent and sword recall the rod of Aesculapius, symbolizing medical care and healing.  Laurel is emblematic of excellence and high achievement; green is the color of regeneration and growth.  The field tent highlights mobility and total readiness; the blue area below the tent alludes to the Salween River and the unit's baptism of fire during World War II.


The distinctive unit insignia was originally approved for the 48th Combat Support Hospital on 27 September 2000 and redesignated for the 348th Field Hospital on 17 April 2018.


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